Xiaomi is expected to launch the Redmi Note 13 Turbo in China with Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. So far we’ve heard only rumors, including that it might go international as Poco F6, but a few leaked images today let us put a face to the name.
Thomas Wang, General Manager of the Redmi brand, talked about the Xiaomi legacy of powerful and relatively affordable smartphones. He showcased a new device, saying it has an “attractive front side” and we believe the phone to be the unreleased Note 13 Turbo.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Turbo/Poco F6
The phone was seen in a short video posted on social media. We can see a flat panel, a single punch hole for the selfie camera, and a protruding power key, meaning the phone likely has an OLED display with a fingerprint scanner underneath.
The Snapdragon 8s sits between the second-gen and third-gen Snapdragon 8 chips with one prime Cortex-X4 core at 3 GHz. If the rumors are correct and the Note 13 Turbo launches with this SoC, it will be the first device from the popular midrange lineup with such a powerful platform.
Source (in Chinese)