PTRN – Unlocking Big Data



What is PTRN and what does it solve?

Utilizing AI computer vision and blockchain technology PTRN is born to become the World’s currency of the location data. 

Its first native app is betting that the users will passively mint tokens just by driving as they usually do in their daily routines. 

Evolved from its native PATHEARN ecosystem ( PTRN plans are to solve the global shortage of the fuel of the future digital economy — DATA and provide the necessary boost fundamentals for the 100bln data and analytics market. 

The precious value of data is highly recognized by any successful business all over the world. Predominantly digital representation of real world data is either unavailable or under the monopoly possession of large corporations. 

PTRN aims to facilitate the creation of the world’s richest distributed geolocation database that will fuel the statistical and AI based algorithms in order to transform the Earth to a better place for living. 

PTRN ecosystem is utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT and blockchain technologies and tools for real world digitalization and data harvesting.

PTRN will address the major industry problems raised by the digital communities all over the world. Lack of reliable and up to date digital representation of the surrounding environment, fair rewarding for the data harvesters without violation of personal and private data.

Token Overview

– Token name: PTRN
– Token symbol: PTRN/USDT 
– Total supply: 300000000

PTRN is big data’s utility token, part of a unique AI-powered decentralized network. Driven by the belief data should be open PTRN aims to make data accessible, affordable and transparent.

PTRN has properties and use cases designed to two functions: Store of Value: Being backed by data, PTRN has guaranteed minimum value which is not likely to deflate sharply and will be stable even in volatile markets. 

Medium of Exchange: PTRN will be used to facilitate the sale, purchase, and exchange of data on the PATHEARN platform.

What does the ecosystem of PTRN include?

– Data collection: PTRN is designed as a natural utility token. Any user may earn PTRN rewards by capturing location data. PATHEARN is the first major contributor to the PTRN Eco System.
– Gaming: Gaming is additional location data source in the PATHEARN app. It has an important role in our user-acquisition strategy and will also boost users’ motivation to earn more points. We give our users the opportunity to collect more points not only by capturing location data, but also while playing and having fun.
– IT: AI ML models are generally developed using actual events historical data plus real time data. Such solutions may acquire data through PTRN tokens and accept PTRN tokens as payment method for second and third level analytics and predictive service solutions developed based on the purchased data.
– Blockchain: Secure, safe and fair blockchain based smart contracting ecosystem with a native currency, distributed database and marketplace for certified data will be the sustainable foundation enabling multiple business scenarios and stakeholders to coordinate interactions and exchange value with benefits for all participants. 

Future Development

PTRN has already established multiple relationships with different location data contributors which finally results in value for every single verified data record. To assure initial fueling of the PTRN data ecosystem PATHEARN already established data collection infrastructure (fixed and mobile) that will constantly generate data. The generated data will be available at the data marketplace and will continuously provide value in PTRN tokens for further development, maintenance and support of the system. 

PTRN is already utilized in industries like Healthcare, Retail, Insurance, Geolocation, Marketing, AI Training and Environmental Care and is open for unlimited number of contributors.

PTRN Official Media

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