Rahul Kohli, known for his roles in “The Fall of the House of Usher” and “iZombie,” has joined the cast of Prime Video’s upcoming series “We Were Liars,” replacing Arsher Ali due to creative differences. This series is an adaptation of E. Lockhart’s young-adult novel and centers around the wealthy Sinclair family, who spend their summers on a private island. The series is written and executive produced by Julie Plec and Carina Adly Mackenzie.
Kohli will play Ed, the long-term partner of Carrie (played by Mamie Gummer). Ed is a Brooklyn art gallery owner who spends every summer at Carrie’s family’s summer home. He has made efforts to impress Carrie’s father, often enduring subtle condescension, but this year finds it increasingly challenging to remain silent.
The cast also includes:
Candice Accola
Caitlin FitzGerald
David Morse
Emily Alyn Lind
Shubham Maheshwari
Esther MacGregor
Joseph Zada