Sen. Bernie Sanders recently introduced the “Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act” … and he explained to us exactly why he thinks it should become the new norm in America.
The federal lawmaker made his case on “TMZ Live” Wednesday … telling us that working 5 days straight — the way we all currently do — leaves people drained, less productive and completely stressed and tired. To him, it’s no wonder they show up to work feeling burnt out.
In contrast, Bernie says if we give people 3 days off, Corporate America will reap the benefits long-term — as he argues worker bees’ productivity and focus will soar when they come back to the job after a nice little break … adding that a bunch of scientific studies back his claims.
Bernie makes the point that because the rich keep getting richer — with the middle class staying stagnant — a lot of regular folks would love this change … which is why he’s proposing it becomes a law. Whether it actually has a chance to pass … different story.
It certainly sounds good on paper, though. Bernie tells us that his proposal won’t cut salaries or pay for workers if implemented — meaning employees will still get paid as if they’d worked a 5-day workweek … even though in actuality, it’ll just be 32 hours instead of 40.
The bill still needs to get through the Republican-controlled house and a 60-vote approval in the Senate … so like we said, it’ll be an uphill battle for sure.
In any case, Bernie’s hoping the whole thing ignites a larger convo about the American grind, and what’s important in life. No surprise Bernie’s taking this position fighting for the people — it’s his M.O., and you can expect more of the same from a new podcast he’s launching this week. It’s “Bernie: The Podcast” and in the first episode, he’ll be discussing his book.
The title of that … “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism” — lots of good insights, of course.
Anyway … Bernie’s got quite an argument here — definitely worth a listen.